Maximizing the Use of Impact Multipliers and Designing Strategies “At Scale”

The traditional approach to addressing social sector challenges is to find some intervention that was done at a small scale as part of a successful research pilot and then find money to be able to implement that intervention at a larger scale. That’s proving to be very difficult, and the result is that everyone trying to do good is competing to get money—something that economists call a “Scarce, Zero Sum” resource. For if a foundation gives $100,000 to one organization, their bank balance goes negative for that $100,000 and the sum of those two numbers is zero. Dollars may be the easiest type of resources to use, but they are the worst type of resources to be dependent on if you want to get scalable, sustainable results. In this opening session, Bill Barberg will introduce powerful examples of using “multiplying resources” and “impact multipliers” to allow you to design and implement strategies “at scale” without needing anywhere close to the same amount of money as might normally be the case.

Presenter: Bill Barberg, President & Founder of InsightFormation, Inc.

Case Study on Communities of Hope (Part 1) – Thriving without Grants

This session features Bill Barberg interviewing a panel of people involved with Communities of Hope, an innovative non-profit in Detroit that set out to break the cycle of poverty and poor health in low-income housing communities. It has become an inspiring example of many of the techniques that can allow non-profit organizations to have great impact without relying on grant funding. After 10 years, this creative non-profit organization is thriving and having more impact each year. It now has millions of dollars of hard assets and an energized staff that can focus on helping people, not complying with burdensome grant requirements.

There are so many practical examples that you can learn from this 10-year case study that we have to call this “Part 1.” Other details will be presented in webinars or future virtual summits.

Realty4Rehab – Leveraging the Power of Real Estate to Fund Substance Abuse Prevention and Recovery

Jennifer Hodge went through every mother’s nightmare when her amazing son was prescribed opioid pain pills after having surgery as a teenager. That led to a painful journey of addiction and recovery. After a generous person gave this desperate mother the money she needed to put her son in an excellent rehab program, the mother and son launched a brilliant program to pay it forward and help others. This session will not only introduce you to Realty4Rehab, the economic engine that can provide serious money to support both your backbone organization and the non-profit organizations in your community that will be part of your team, it will also share with you the practical steps to launch this long-term, sustainable source of funding in your community

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