strategy management

Continuous Communication

When partners set out to achieve Collective Impact and review the five conditions; Continuous Communication can feel like the ‘freebie’ and little to no time is spent on figuring out how to achieve it.  Coalitions operate with the mindset that just having more meetings will bring about the type of …

Strategy Management—Managing The Future

Numerous studies in the business world have shown that even when strategies are well-crafted, most organizations fall short when it comes to execution.  One key reason for this, I believe, is that organizational leaders are usually not equipped with the appropriate tools for strategic management.  Tools and techniques that help…

Strategy Management—Five Essential Steps for Best Results

What is the best way to improve organizational performance? There are 5 essential steps. And they need to happen sequentially. The Five Essential Steps for Strategy Management Best Results Strategy must be crisp, concise and communicated so it is understood by everyone.  Communicate with words and visual aids. Measures must …